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We Bet You Didn't Know These Facts About Ice Cream

Aug 31, 2021

We all love to indulge in scoops of ice cream every once in a while but we bet you didn't know these quirky facts about it. Ice cream is one of the most popular dessert choices all around the globe and if you are interested to know more about it then keep reading.

A long time ago, you could get just a lick of ice cream for a penny. It was called a penny lick.

When the world war II ended, it was celebrated with ice cream.

The consumption of ice cream in New Zealand is very high.

Ever wondered how many licks it would take to finish a cone of ice cream? It would be 50.

China has the largest ice cream market, based on size.

The most popular ice cream flavor in America is Vanilla.

July is the national ice cream month in U.S

The tallest ice cream cone in the world was three and a half yards.

Biggest ice cream sundae was created in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1988. It weighed 24 tons.

Most profitable day for ice cream sellers is always Sunday.

Most favorite ice cream topping is chocolate syrup.

Chocolate ice cream was invented before vanilla.

The tallest ice cream cone was over 9 feet tall in Italy.

One of the most bizarre ice cream flavors is hot dog flavored ice-cream.

16.5 pints of ice cream eaten in 6 minutes is the world record, by Miki Sudo.

Tags: ice cream facts  fun facts  lesser known facts  ice cream  

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