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Expensive $215,000 Wedding Dress Roasted Online

Aug 14, 2019

Selecting a perfect wedding dress is not an easy task but one woman has been roasted online for her feathered gown. Pictures of the unknown woman’s dress were posted to a shaming Facebook group, where commenters savaged the gown and someone compared it to an oversized feather duster.

It looks like the bride disagreed with the haters as she listed it for sale on Facebook for $215,000. The woman wrote in her ad: This dress was personally designed by me and made by one of New York’s upcoming designers,”

As the bride’s ad was reported to the wedding shaming Facebook group, it received over 1,200 comments from people pointing out at how much she’s asking for it.

One person said: “Just more proof that many people have more money than taste. I wouldn’t pay 1/100th of that price for the dress,”

Others called her ‘deluded’ and said the dress looks like it has a ‘tinfoil top and fake feathery fleece on the bottom’. “I don't think the word hideous fully portrays my feelings,” one person said.

Someone also commented: “Wrong in every way for the body shape of this lady. I'd be devastated if looked back at photos and saw this of my wedding dress.”
Tags: wedding dress  online roasting  trolled  social media  Facebook  Expensive wedding dress  

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