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Woman with Two Wombs gives Birth Twice

Apr 01, 2019

In today’s time mostly unexpected things come up and yet again another such incidence has stunned everyone. Recently Arifa Sultana a 20-year-old lady from Bangladesh gave birth to healthy twins almost one month after delivering a premature baby boy. According to the doctors, they didn’t realize that she was still pregnant until she came to them after her water bag again got busted.

The woman was taken for an emergency surgery and then she gave birth to two healthy children with no complications. Just 26 days later, she complained of stomach pain and was rushed to the Ad-din Hospital in Jessore district on 21 March.

'When the patient came in we performed an ultrasound on her and found there were twin babies,' Dr Poddar said.'We were very shocked and surprised. I have never observed something like this before.'

According to Dr Poddar, Ms Sultana and her husband are very poor and she had no idea that she has two other babies. "We carried out a caesarean and she delivered twins, one male and female."Such condition of having two wombs is known as uterus didelphys.

The couple is happy with their three babies but they are tensed that how would they afford their expenses as they are not that well off.

Tags: Bangladesh  Babies  Pregnancy  Womb  

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