Micro Self Sustainable Ecosystem in Glass Containers

Jul 16, 2020

Two ladies Lina Cirilo and Laura Gonçales started creating and selling tiny, self-sustaining ecosystems in glass jars, bottles, and other containers. They have all kinds of ecosystems in glass jars, bottles, and other containers. Check out their pictures below:

Every single one of these is handmade, so they are different and unique.

These little ecosystems survive almost entirely on their own, so you don’t have to worry about maintenance. These systems need watering every 10-15 days, depending on how hot it is.

Check them our below:

The creators revealed that their favorite part about them is: "Our favorite part is to look at a miniature or a movie and think: ok, let's make a Jardim no Pote®? of that. And we dedicate ourselves for days, weeks, or even months until we reach the terrarium we were looking for."In 2014, they opened their first store at Galeria ComoAssim in Pinheiros and it was received very well!

They also said: "In each piece we create, we deposit a lot of affection and attention to the smallest of details, making each piece unique and full of stories."

Tags: Micro Self Sustainable Ecosystem  Self Sustainable Ecosystem  Glass Containers  Ecosystem in glass containers  Ecosystems