Men Save Dog from Python, Twitterati reacts!

Jul 30, 2018

Recently three men saved a dog from the clutches of a huge python  and their video saving the dog went viral on social media. Their video was shared on Twitter by Ken Rutkowski. Although the dog was saved, people came up with mixed reactions over the footage. It showed the man pulling out the coiled reptile from the water to save the dog, where two others joined to help him out. They were doing so with bare hands and when were unable to free the animal, they got a big rod to attack the serpent. They even hit the snake repeatedly even after the dog was released. For this many were unhappy as why they killed one animal to save the other. Twitterati were divided and confused over what was the correct move.

Watch the video here:

People giving mixed reactions:

Tags: Ken Rutkowski  Python caught dog  Python  men saved dog