Jupiter is coming So Close that you can see its Moon

Jun 07, 2019

Keep an eye on the sky, later this month, Jupiter and Earth will reach their closest point. Jupiter, the largest plant in the solar system will look bright to the naked eye in the night sky, even in cities.

With just a pair of binoculars, you will be able to see several of its moons. With a small telescope, you will be able to see its cloudy bands. You might also see its Great Red Spot.

NASA explains how and previews this month’s other sky highlights:

NASA says: that next week will be the best time of the month to view Jupiter. On June 10, the planet reaches 'opposition.' This refers to the annual occurrence when Jupiter, the Earth, and the sun are all arranged in a straight line, with our planet in th

And on June 12, Jupiter will come closer to our planet than at any other point in 2019. In fact, at its closest approach, it will come within 398 million miles of the Earth.

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun, orbiting at a distance of around 484 million miles from our star. It rotates once about every 10 hours meaning its day is less than half of that of Earth's.
Tags: Jupiter  orbit  Earth  solar system  NASA  Jupiter closest to Earth