Fun Facts About French Fries

Nov 03, 2020

Fries before guys always and forever. I mean who doesn't love french fries? They make a perfect side appetizer, they are versatile and are available in different varieties around the world. Whether you like waffle fries, curly fries, or just the standard cut they are addictive. Here are some fun facts about french fries:

There are 18 types of french fries

The name 'French fries' actually originated in Belgium, rather than France.

McDonald's buys more than 3.4 billion pounds of U.S. potatoes annually for its famous golden fries.

There is a French fry museum called Frietmuseum in Belgium.

Thomas Jefferson introduced fries to America

The average American eats almost 30 pounds of fries a year

Fries are toddlers’ favorite vegetable

Most restaurants deep-fry french fries twice

There are fries vending machines in some countries

The world’s largest ‘French Fry Feed’ is in North Dakota

The largest serving of fries was served in Eagle, Idaho back in 2014. The fries weighed 1003 pounds.

Not all potatoes make fries of the same quality

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