French Inventor Crosses English Channel On his Hoverboard

Aug 21, 2019

We have always heard that failure is the first step to success and a French inventor proved it as well by crossing the English Channel with his own jet-powered hoverboard after his failed attempt last month.

Franky Zapata had previously fallen into water while trying to land on a boat mounted refueling platform. But this time his midway refueling went successful. He took over 20 minutes to cover about 20 miles. He glided over the water to cross Sangatte

The “flyboard” designed by him is a gas turbine powered contraption fueled by five small jets and can theoretically fly up to 110 miles per hour at an altitude of 50 feet to 65 feet for about 10 minutes.

Hundreds of people gathered around his take off point in Northern France and took to social media to appreciate him. Check out some reactions here:

Tags: Hoverboard  Franky Zapata  twitter  tweets  jet-powered hoverboard